Undiminished Heritage

Coming soon

This classical and elegant Heritage speaks of a renaissance age where change, beauty, and science meet classical architectural ideals. It speaks to an age where reason and truth were valued above hunger for power. From mighty, glittering armies arrayed against the forces of evil, to sleek and elegant wizard towers soaring above vast cityscapes, the Undiminished Heritage encompasses the glory of civilisation at its best. 

Those who choose the Undiminished Heritage strive for truth, freedom, and beauty combining to be exemplary. Magic users seeking to use the arcane to bring peace and stability, fighters standing up for what is good and pure, and musicians telling tales of ancient heroes – the Undiminished is a vision of life as it could be.

Undiminished products combine the best of the stoicism and solidity with the smoothness and fluidity of a character that combines classical values with the pursuit of perfection.

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