What is the best way to make your dice rolls random? 

Rolling dice is fundamental to a lot of tabletop games, and it’s really fun! There are plenty of reasons why we might be fascinated by throwing maths rocks and counting the numbers. But needless to say, it’s something humans have done for thousands of years and it’s not going away any time soon. But is rolling dice fair? What is the best way to keep your dice rolls random? Keep reading as we explore.  

Why do dice bounce?

Dice bounce based on several factors. These include:

  • The material they are made from (plastic, resin, metal, wood).
  • Their shape (size, sides, rounded or sharp edges).
  • The surface they are thrown on (hard surfaces absorb less kinetic energy so are more “bouncy”).
  • The force they are rolled with.
  • The angle they are thrown at.

When playing any game involving dice, they have to be rolled to provide a result! To do this, they are usually thrown or dropped on the table, in a dice tray, or down a dice tower. They have to bounce, gyrate, and rotate to provide a random result. And they bounce because they’re thrown with enough force to ensure they do this. There is a lot of science behind why, but what’s important for us as gamers is that they need to bounce to provide us the results we need to progress our games.

Is rolling a dice truly random?

When rolled fairly, dice can be completely random. It is very difficult to influence the roll of the dice without being fairly obvious. However, the dice themselves may have imperfections or balance issues that might make rolling them less random. Of course, if your dice are loaded then the outcome is fairly certain and generally you should avoid using or playing with people who use loaded dice. 

There are, however, a handful of occasions that games like Dungeons and Dragons might make use of them legitimately. These are generally done by the DM to simulate some sort of divine intervention or ensure that a certain story beat happens (don’t overuse this as it can become a railroad). In all other occasions, remember that TTRPGs aren’t about winning or losing, and cheating with loaded dice only cheats everyone at the table from a richer experience.

If you’re playing with someone who you suspect of doing this, you should talk to them or your DM in a polite way. Remember Hanlon’s Razor: never attribute to malice that which might be equally attributable to ignorance; they might not know they have sketchy dice themselves! There are ways to make sure that your dice are fair, and you should check your dice if you think that they might be biased. 

If you really want to make sure that your rolls are as random as possible, there is a tool that you can use.

Cherry wood DND Dice Tower UK - D&D accessories made in England

Why do people like dice towers?

Dice Towers are a great tool to really make sure your dice rolls are as random as possible. They’re a also really stylish accessories that add class and tension to your games. That’s why they’re so great. They add spectacle to the roll that can really help elevate the game.

Some people swear by using them for every roll – I had a DM rolling in one of our towers the entirety of an in-person session. And he rolled really well, much to our chagrin! It really added to our experience as he rolled in front of the screen and we peered into the tray to see the result. It definitely changed how I see dice towers.

They also ensure fair play at the table. Now, obviously you should trust your friends at the table (and be trustworthy yourself!), but some tournament play requires dice rolling to be clear and obvious. Using dice towers for this is a really simple way to avoid awkward conversations.

Is a dice tower necessary?

No, a dice tower is not necessary for most games you play. The possible exception would be some gaming tournaments that may require one for fairness. However, neither are any accessories for TTRPGs. For all dice based games you could use a virtual dice roller or dice app – or even Google it! And to keep your dice secure you could just roll your dice in a dice tray. But to get the best randomised result, there is nothing that beats the dice tower. And there is something special about using a dice tower that can really up your gaming experience. 

That’s how we roll

There is a lot to know when it comes down to the physics of why and how to best randomise your dice rolls. The material and composition of your dice, surface, and the way dice are thrown all have an effect. The dice tower is a tool that can help you overcome any biases by taking rolling literally out of your hands. Make sure you have the right dice, the right surfaces, and the right tools to keep your dice rolls random and you’ll keep your games fun for everyone.

To find out more about towers, make sure you check out our article about how dice towers add value to your game. And if you’re ready to bring one to your table, check out our website for the best examples of exquisite nested wooden dice towers.