
The Silverwood Gaming Team

Nick Munson & Carl Munson

Nick Munson

I grew up loving games and stories, spending as much time playing video games and tabletop wargames as I did reading fantasy. I loved getting lost in the stories of whoever or whatever I was playing. Whilst studying for a Master’s degree in English, I was exposed to some of the history of where our modern fantasy finds its roots, and I was especially taken by the sagas and stories of Norse mythology and the imagery of works like Paradise Lost and His Dark Materials. Epic tales of character-driven adventures.

Later on, I was finally able to do something I’d never done before – play a tabletop roleplaying game. I was hooked. After discovering some D&D streams and personalities, I started running my own games and later played in several other campaigns. I was travelling a lot, and playing at the houses of friends, which is how I got the idea for some of the products that would later form the spark that started Silverwood Gaming. 

Carl Munson

Having experienced the enjoyment of gaming through the eyes of my children, when Nick came up with the idea of making gaming accessories I was in. My business, design, and manufacturing experience helped to realise the concepts and turn them into products.

I am an avid Monopoly player and am now experiencing the fun of TTRPGs, where collaborating is the aim of the game rather than ruthless destruction!


One thing that we felt was really important when getting into the tabletop gaming world is the idea that our products had to be of the highest quality. The tabletop community is an inventive bunch, and loves to customise and create things, from rules to maps to music and beyond. You would not accept anything other than the very best, and we feel the same. We’re a family of perfectionists and every product has to be just right! 

Why “Silverwood”?

Nick: ‘Growing up in South Africa I remember spending a lot of my childhood climbing trees. There was a particular tree in our garden with beautiful silver branches. When starting the business I thought that I would love to pay homage to “childhood me” that has been rediscovered through role playing by reminding myself of the garden that I grew up in.’

Our values


It is important to us that we try to be as sustainable as possible. Conscious that our products are made largely from wood, we try to source timber locally wherever possible. That means woods from UK forests, and from woods that are sustainable. We also like to recycle woods, so from time to time we’ll do a limited run of products from certain woods that we may have taken from old tables, houses, ships, etc. One thing that we’d love to do is get pieces that have a strong history and give them new life by allowing them to go on new adventures. Beyond that, we’re constantly working hard to improve the way we work, through being green, power-conscious, using ethically-sourced leather, and always looking for new ways to introduce sustainable products. Read more about this on our green statement.


We believe in putting everything we can into creating the best product. As a seasoned wood crafter, Carl approaches everything he does with a sense of pride for the creation process. Nick understands the way that gamers think, and that every item created must be perfect for the player who will go on their own journey with it. Therefore, when we design and create a product we combined skilled artistry with gamer-spirit to create the best we can for you. 


The driver behind our quest for quality; heart is what drives Silverwood. Starting out as a family business and motivated by finding joy in tabletop games, we believe that you’ve got to bring that love to what you’re doing. If we can be creative and think about playing games and having fun as part of what we do, then that’s how we’ll find happiness. We aim to make great products, but we know that they’re only there to support the adventures that you have and that pushes us to create something that will support your experience.